
But it's just easier.

It's easier to dumb society down. Easier to plaster photoshopped, ditzy women on magazine covers and expose the lives of Brangelina and Snooki. Easier to run drive to McDonald's. Easier to market mainstream, autotuned "music" about poppin' bottles and models hanging off your arms.

It's much harder to stop. Why should we?

Why should we read a book? An actual book with real pages. (A page of tweets does not equal a page of a book.) Why should you exercise your concentration by doing such a thing? Can't that come from focusing on your video games for 2 hours?

It's much harder to open your eyes to the world as a whole. Much harder to learn new things and have an open mind...to be disciplined and aspire for more.

It's much harder to expose the lives of everyday people. Who cares about that? If we did, we would all be stopping strangers saying, "Hey, tell me your life from age 0 up 'til now - your dreams, your loves, and your losses. You have 10 minutes. Go!" I mean, maybe if the person was worth millions and had double Ds.

Are we really that pathetic? Must we live our lives through other people? Will Smith said it best - that people are scared of success and view it as something completely unattainable. That's fine. Continue what you're doing, but don't blame anyone but yourself. At least you're making it easier for the rest of us.

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